
class csvio.remote.FTPReader(options: Dict[str, Any], processors: Optional[List[csvio.processors.processor_base.ProcessorBase]] = None, fieldnames: List[str] = [], open_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, csv_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, max_retries: int = 3, timeout: int = 5, increment_timeout: int = 10)

Bases: csvio.remote.remote_base.RemoteReaderBase

Download CSV file from a FTP location.


options (required) – Options that are to be used by the downloader child class that is derived from this base class

The options parameter to the constructor of this class accepts a dictionary with the options to download a CSV file from a FTP location

Example FTP options dictionary:

    "hostname": "localhost",
    "username": "ftp_user",
    "password": "ftp_pass",
    "remote_dir": "data/csv_files"
    "remote_file": "products.csv"

Example CSV download from FTP:

from csvio.remote import FTPReader
from json import dumps

ftp_details = {
    "hostname": "localhost",
    "username": "admin",
    "password": "admin",
    "remote_dir": "data",
    "remote_file": "fruit_stock.csv"

ftpreader = FTPReader(ftp_details)

print(dumps(ftpreader.rows, indent=4))



['Supplier', 'Fruit', 'Origin', 'Quantity']

        "Supplier": "Big Apples",
        "Fruit": "Apple",
        "Origin": "Spain",
        "Quantity": "1"
        "Supplier": "Big Melons",
        "Fruit": "Melons",
        "Origin": "Italy",
        "Quantity": "2"
        "Supplier": "Long Mangoes",
        "Fruit": "Mango",
        "Origin": "India",
        "Quantity": "3"
        "Supplier": "Small Strawberries",
        "Fruit": "Strawberry",
        "Origin": "France",
        "Quantity": "4"
        "Supplier": "Short Mangoes",
        "Fruit": "Mango",
        "Origin": "France",
        "Quantity": "5"
        "Supplier": "Sweet Strawberries",
        "Fruit": "Strawberry",
        "Origin": "Spain",
        "Quantity": "6"
        "Supplier": "Square Apples",
        "Fruit": "Apple",
        "Origin": "Italy",
        "Quantity": "7"
        "Supplier": "Small Melons",
        "Fruit": "Melons",
        "Origin": "Italy",
        "Quantity": "8"
        "Supplier": "Dark Berries",
        "Fruit": "Strawberry",
        "Origin": "Australia",
        "Quantity": "9"
        "Supplier": "Sweet Berries",
        "Fruit": "Blackcurrant",
        "Origin": "Australia",
        "Quantity": "10"
property csv_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]

A dictionary of key, value pairs that should be passed to the DictReader constructor within this class.

delete(missing_ok: bool = False) bool

Delete the file at the path provided in the filename parameter


missing_ok (optional) – Parameter to pass to the pathlib.Path.unlink() method.


True If file is deleted successfully.

False On failure.

property fieldnames: List[str]

List of column headings

property file_ext: str

Extension suffix of the file without parent directory and file name.

property filedir: str

Parent directory path of the file (excluding the name of the file)

property filename: str

File name without the parent directory path.

property filename_no_ext: str

File name without parent directory and file extension.

property filepath: str

Complete file path including the parent directory, file name and extension

get_temp_path() str

Full path to a randomly named csv file in the system’s temporary directory.

property num_rows: int

The total number of rows in the CSV (excluding column headings)

property open_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]

A dictionary of key, value pairs that should be passed to the open method within this class.

property path_obj: pathlib.Path

pathlib.Path object representing filename.

property rows: List[Dict[str, Any]]

A list of dictionaries where each item in it represents a row in the CSV file. Each dictionary in the list maps the column heading (fieldname) to the corresponding value for it from the CSV.

rows_from_column_key(column_name: str, rows: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None) Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]

Collect all the rows in the rows parameter that have the same values for the column defined in the column_name parameter, and construct a dictionary with the column_name value as the key and the corresponding rows as a list of dictionaries, as the value of this key.

  • column_name (required) – Name of the column that is to be used as the key under which all the rows having the samee value of this column will be collected.

  • rows (optional. If not provided self.rows will be used.) – List of dictionaries representing the rows that will be separated and collected under a the common value of the column name provided in column_name parameter.


A dictionary constructed using the logic as explained above.

rows_to_nested_dicts(column_order: List[str], rows: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None) Dict[str, Any]

Collect all values of columns that are the same and construct a nested dictionary that has the common values as the keys, in the same order of hierarchy as provided in the column_order parameter.

The value of the last column name in the column_order list

  • column_order (required) – An ordered list of column names, to be used for constructing the dictionary

  • rows (optional. If not provided self.rows will be used.) – List of dictionaries representing the rows that will be transformed to the output Dictionary.


A dictionary with same column values collected under a common key in a hierarchical order.


CSV Contents: fruit_stock.csv

Big Apples,Apple,Spain,1
Big Melons,Melons,Italy,2
Long Mangoes,Mango,India,3
Small Strawberries,Strawberry,France,4
Short Mangoes,Mango,France,5
Sweet Strawberries,Strawberry,Spain,6
Square Apples,Apple,Italy,7
Small Melons,Melons,Italy,8
Dark Berries,Strawberry,Australia,9
Sweet Berries,Blackcurrant,Australia,10

Create dictionary with hierarchy {"Fruit": [rows]}

from csvio.csvreader import CSVReader
from json import dumps

reader = CSVReader("fruit_stock.csv")

col_order = ["Fruit"]

dict_tree= reader.rows_to_nested_dicts(col_order)

print(dumps(dict_tree, indent=4))


    "Apple": [
            "Supplier": "Big Apples",
            "Fruit": "Apple",
            "Origin": "Spain",
            "Quantity": "1"
            "Supplier": "Square Apples",
            "Fruit": "Apple",
            "Origin": "Italy",
            "Quantity": "7"
    "Melons": [
            "Supplier": "Big Melons",
            "Fruit": "Melons",
            "Origin": "Italy",
            "Quantity": "2"
            "Supplier": "Small Melons",
            "Fruit": "Melons",
            "Origin": "Italy",
            "Quantity": "8"
    "Mango": [
            "Supplier": "Long Mangoes",
            "Fruit": "Mango",
            "Origin": "India",
            "Quantity": "3"
            "Supplier": "Short Mangoes",
            "Fruit": "Mango",
            "Origin": "France",
            "Quantity": "5"
    "Strawberry": [
            "Supplier": "Small Strawberries",
            "Fruit": "Strawberry",
            "Origin": "France",
            "Quantity": "4"
            "Supplier": "Sweet Strawberries",
            "Fruit": "Strawberry",
            "Origin": "Spain",
            "Quantity": "6"
            "Supplier": "Dark Berries",
            "Fruit": "Strawberry",
            "Origin": "Australia",
            "Quantity": "9"
    "Blackcurrant": [
            "Supplier": "Sweet Berries",
            "Fruit": "Blackcurrant",
            "Origin": "Australia",
            "Quantity": "10"

Create dictionary with hierarchy {"Fruit": "Origin" : [rows]}

from csvio.csvreader import CSVReader
from json import dumps

reader = CSVReader("fruit_stock.csv")

col_order = ["Fruit", "Origin"]

dict_tree= reader.rows_to_nested_dicts(col_order)

print(dumps(dict_tree, indent=4))


    "Apple": {
        "Spain": [
                "Supplier": "Big Apples",
                "Fruit": "Apple",
                "Origin": "Spain",
                "Quantity": "1"
        "Italy": [
                "Supplier": "Square Apples",
                "Fruit": "Apple",
                "Origin": "Italy",
                "Quantity": "7"
    "Melons": {
        "Italy": [
                "Supplier": "Big Melons",
                "Fruit": "Melons",
                "Origin": "Italy",
                "Quantity": "2"
                "Supplier": "Small Melons",
                "Fruit": "Melons",
                "Origin": "Italy",
                "Quantity": "8"
    "Mango": {
        "India": [
                "Supplier": "Long Mangoes",
                "Fruit": "Mango",
                "Origin": "India",
                "Quantity": "3"
        "France": [
                "Supplier": "Short Mangoes",
                "Fruit": "Mango",
                "Origin": "France",
                "Quantity": "5"
    "Strawberry": {
        "France": [
                "Supplier": "Small Strawberries",
                "Fruit": "Strawberry",
                "Origin": "France",
                "Quantity": "4"
        "Spain": [
                "Supplier": "Sweet Strawberries",
                "Fruit": "Strawberry",
                "Origin": "Spain",
                "Quantity": "6"
        "Australia": [
                "Supplier": "Dark Berries",
                "Fruit": "Strawberry",
                "Origin": "Australia",
                "Quantity": "9"
    "Blackcurrant": {
        "Australia": [
                "Supplier": "Sweet Berries",
                "Fruit": "Blackcurrant",
                "Origin": "Australia",
                "Quantity": "10"

Construct a dictionary with number of rows for each unique Origin

from csvio.csvreader import CSVReader
from json import dumps

reader = CSVReader("fruit_stock.csv")

col_order = ["Origin"]

origin_fruit_count = {}
dict_tree = reader.rows_to_nested_dicts(col_order)

for origin in dict_tree:
    origin_fruit_count.setdefault(origin, len(dict_tree[origin]))

print(dumps(origin_fruit_count, indent=4))


    "Spain": 2,
    "Italy": 3,
    "India": 1,
    "France": 2,
    "Australia": 2
touch(exist_ok: bool = False) bool

Create a blank file at the path provided in the filename parameter.


exist_ok (optional) – Parameter to pass to the pathlib.Path.touch() method.


True If blank file is created successfully.

False On failure.